You made it! (Self-care month Day 30)

Self-care Month Day 30 - You Made it!

Wow, that’s it. We’ve made it through 30 days of self-care, of prioritising ourselves and reaping the benefits. You are absolutely, wonderfully amazing for giving yourself this gift.

Think you can keep it up? You should, you deserve to feel this good all the time my love and just a small amount of time dedicated to yourself every day is going to make your life more joyful. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Reading (Self-care Month Day 29)

Self-care month Day 29 - Reading.

Morning loves,

I hope Monday morning is being kind to you?

Today I wanted to talk about reading. Whenever I have asked people what self-care they would do more of if they had chance, reading is always top 3. I personally read a lot, usually 2 books at a time. One for when I can concentrate in the day that might be challenging or non-fiction or need more concentration and one for just before I go to bed, something fictional and easy. I also read a lot of blogs. I find the odd moments during the day to snatch a quick chapter if I can and I need to sit and relax. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Weekly Rituals (Self-care month Day 28)

Self-care month Day 28 - Weekly Rituals

Well, hello you absolutely wonderful lot,

Can you believe it is nearly the end of self-care month? We have come so far and we definitely all deserve a pat on the back for taking this wonderful journey to looking after ourselves. Well done love 🙂

Today is a rainy old Sunday here, thats ok, the weather has been getting warmer and were a bit glad of the break. Do you find that on some days of the week that you end up doing the same things? It is lovely to create a ritual on certain days of the week because we often thrive in routine. We know what is coming and we know what we need to do. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Sleep (Self-care month Day 27)

It has been such a crazy, hectic day today and I have only just had to chance to sit down and write this. I didn’t have the foresight to schedule many posts in advance because i’m still getting used to this pro-blogger thing!

Todays self-care task is about sleep. Are you somebody who survives on the minimum sleep for weeks then can’t cope anymore? Or are you like me and work yourself into a frenzy if you can’t get your 9 hours solid a night? Sleep can be a nightmare, it can cause all sorts of issues and actually, if you aren’t getting enough, seriously affect your life. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Plants & flowers (Self-care month Day 26)

I’m feeling pretty happy with myself this morning. I’ve just sent an assignment for my degree which is always a huge relief so starting my Friday on a very happy, positive note!

Todays self-care task is about plants and flowers. I’m not really great at looking after plants or gardening. I forget about them, they die and then I feel guilty. But did you know that some plants are seriously easy to look after? and they still look lovely! I have a succulent on my desk. According to feng shui, the top left corner of your desk is the area representing abundance and prosperity and so is a great place for a plant. I haven’t actually ever watered it but apparently once every 6 months is enough. The only other house plant I have is my orchid that lives at the side of my bed. After panicking this morning when the flowers starting falling off, a quick look on pinterest tells me that that is normal and when they have all fallen off a quick prune should encourage it to re-flower. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Get organised (Self-care month Day 25)

I have always been a pretty organised person. Sometimes completely too rigid, nowadays I believe that running round like crazy trying to do all and be all is way overrated. But then, some organisation is great for clarity of the mind and focus on individual tasks. I think if I just lived spontaneously all of the time then I would never get anything done and I probably wouldn’t be sat here now writing this.

So what do you think is the minimum organisation that you should implement? Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Setting up a support network (Self-care month Day 24)

Morning everyone! I hope all is well so far today for you,

I have had a little something on my mind just this morning so I have to make it clear here. I want you to know that I am by no means a finished product. Nobody is. I am on this journey, learning how to take better care of myself just the same as you. I want to say this so that you know that I am not better, I don’t have everything sussed. Sometimes, in fact, I struggle to take my own advice. For example, putting too much pressure on myself, not taking care of myself as I should, not making self-care my number one priority. But I learn from it and I move forward and it becomes less and less often that I completely overwhelm myself and it is very rare that I don’t see the warning signs for stress and anxiety coming.

Today, the self-care message that I want to get across is about creating a network of support around yourself so that you can you are at your best to look after yourself and your health. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Saying no (Self-care month Day 23)

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Self-care month Day 23
Saying no

Good morning my lovely reader and all my new followers it’s so good to meet you!
Today is my birthday, 29 years ago today I was brought it to the wonderful world and because of that I am feeling extra specially happy and relaxed. I have spent all day cuddling my kitten, Luna, colouring in my new colouring book and watching Disney films. I have felt extra exhausted recently and I have really needed some time to myself to relax and I feel all the better for it.


Colouring in bed with Luna this morning

Today I give you permission to say no to something. Whether it is something that you aren’t comfortable with, or are anxious about or whether somebody is demanding too much of your time or energy. To really take care of ourselves we need to be able to say no in these situations. We sometimes say yes out of obligation or because we are too kind to let people down. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Self-care Month Day 22 (Treat yourself!)

Hi all!

Welcome to day 22 (!) of self-care month! Sorry todays email has come a bit late, I’ve had a very hectic weekend and day which involves a new member of our family;


So this is Luna, she was abandoned in a very cruel way and we have taken her in and she’s so cute and lovely! Feel really lucky to have had to opportunity to rescue her.

Well tomorrow is my birthday! So today I want us to figure out a little way we can treat ourselves today. Here are a few ideas; Cont..

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’

Switch-off Sundays (self-care month day 21)

Do you have a day of the week where you just do not work? When you refuse to check emails or switch on your work phone? It’s a nice idea to have a healthy break from work matters but often a difficult thing to pull off, especially for a whole day. Why not try it consciously for a couple of hours and then see if, bit by bit, you can stretch it out into longer periods of time. Cont…

For more click here for the full free download of ‘self-care month’ now all as one handy ebook ‘The Self-care Manual’